OntoUML Community Portal Kick-off
OntoUML community portal is here! We are happy to invite you into this important cornerstone of future of the OntoUML community. Although many things are still not perfect, some are in beta version or still remain marked as coming soon, it is here for you now!
Developing and improving the portal is a never ending continual process and we hope that many experts, students and others will take a part in this collaborative and community work. Of course, it will take some time at the very beginning to increase the awareness and gain more users, but you can help us even with that – spread the word and share information about the portal with your colleagues, students and other people around who are interested in OntoUML and conceptual modelling. If you find anything that needs polishing or get some ideas about enhancements, please share them directly in our forums.
Enjoy OntoUML and help us to make it better! Because OntoUML.org is yours.